The University Writing Program has developed this website to provide a set of resources to help new and continuing instructors and faculty. The assignments, worksheets, lesson plans, and other curated resources on this site have been developed primarily by the mentors and teaching fellows in the program's instructional practicums to assist instructors new to teaching first-year writing, but we hope they will be of use to all of the UWP faculty as well.
To access these materials, you will need to log in using the password that was provided to you.
Vision Statement for the First-Year Writing Courses
Writing is a primary vehicle to communicate observations, events, ideas, experiences, arguments, proposals, analyses, and thought. It is intense, intellectual work that demands much from students so they may successfully interpret and analyze experiences, engage in public discourse, develop complex ideas and arguments, and utilize readings of all genres (such as narrative, argument, and analysis) to participate in social, academic, and civic discourses.
The University Writing Program assists students in engaging in this substantive work. These writing courses are designed to provide skills and strategies for participants to practice and deploy writing across the genres and disciplines and in multiple contexts. By analyzing a variety of mentor texts, students are exposed to a wealth of themes, formats, and ideas that assist in their development as critical thinkers, readers, and writers.
Writing—as both a process and a product—assists students in their journey to become active learners and analytical thinkers who have the background, knowledge, abilities, and skills to engage in the varied discourses of the university; as students develop their reading, writing, thinking, and analysis abilities—supported by the University Writing Program—they are further prepared to engage in the realm of public discourse and civic responsibility.